Travis Kirton

Arcs & Wedges

Creating an arc or a wedge is very similar to creating a circle. The only difference is you specify a start angle, an end angle and whether or not the shape draws in a clockwise direction.

Arcs draw with a line going from endpoint to endpoint, where wedges create a pie-slice drawing from the specified center point.

Arcs and Wedges have nearly the same initializers:

let arc = Arc(center: c, radius: 100, start: M_PI_4, end: M_PI, clockwise: false)
let wedge = Wedge(center: c, radius: 100, start: M_PI_4, end: M_PI, clockwise: false)


var arcCenter = Point(canvas.width/3.0,
var wedgeCenter = Point(2.0 * canvas.width/3.0,

//create the counter-clockwise arc
let counterClockwiseArc = Arc(center: arcCenter,
                              radius: 100,
                              start: 1.125 * M_PI,
                              end: 1.875 * M_PI,
                              clockwise: false)

//create the clockwise arc, first shifting the center of the arc
arcCenter.y -= 10
let clockwiseArc = Arc(center: arcCenter,
                       radius: 100,
                       start: 1.125 * M_PI,
                       end: 1.875 * M_PI,
                       clockwise: true)

//create the counter-clockwise wedge
let counterClockwiseWedge = Wedge(center: wedgeCenter,
                                  radius: 100,
                                  start: M_PI_4 * 3,
                                  end: M_PI_4,
                                  clockwise: false)

//create the clockwise wedge, first shifting the center of the wedge
wedgeCenter.y -= 10
let clockwiseWedge = Wedge(center: wedgeCenter,
                           radius: 100,
                           start: M_PI_4 * 3,
                           end: M_PI_4,
                           clockwise: true)

//add the shapes to the canvas
canvas.add(counterClockwiseArc)    //bottom
canvas.add(clockwiseArc)           //top
canvas.add(counterClockwiseWedge)  //bottom
canvas.add(clockwiseWedge)         //top