Travis Kirton

Color basics

Here’s how to create colors in 8 different ways.

By default, C4 shapes will use C4Blue for fill and C4Purple for stroke, which is why the following method doesn’t set anything.

func defaultColors(frame: Rect) {
    generateRect(frame, text: "Default")

For more on each technique, check out the other color examples.


override func setup() {
    let size = Size(canvas.width/4, canvas.height/2)

    let dx = Vector(x: size.width, y: 0)
    let dy = Vector(x: -canvas.width, y: size.height)

    var origin = Point()

    for i in 0..<8 {
        switch i {
        case 1:
            c4Colors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 2:
            presetColors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 3:
            rgbColors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 4:
            hsbColors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 5:
            patternColors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 6:
            alphaColors(Rect(origin, size))
        case 7:
            hexColors(Rect(origin, size))
            defaultColors(Rect(origin, size))

        origin += dx
        if origin.x >= canvas.width {
            origin += dy

func defaultColors(frame: Rect) {
    generateRect(frame, text: "Default")

func c4Colors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "C4")
    shape.fillColor = C4Pink
    shape.strokeColor = C4Grey

func presetColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "Presets")
    shape.fillColor = darkGray
    shape.strokeColor = orange

func rgbColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "RGB")
    shape.fillColor = Color(red: 0.75, green:0.0, blue:0.0, alpha:1.0) //half red
    shape.strokeColor = Color(red: 0.50, green:1.0, blue:0.0, alpha:1.0) //lime

func hsbColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "HSB")
    shape.fillColor = Color(hue: 0.25, saturation: 0.75, brightness: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
    shape.strokeColor = Color(hue: 0.5, saturation: 1.0, brightness: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)

func patternColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "Patterns")
    shape.fillColor = Color("pattern2")
    shape.strokeColor = Color("pattern1")

func alphaColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "Alpha")
    shape.fillColor = shape.fillColor?.colorWithAlpha(0.5)
    shape.strokeColor = shape.strokeColor?.colorWithAlpha(0.5)

func hexColors(frame: Rect) {
    let shape = generateRect(frame, text: "Hex")
    shape.fillColor = Color(0xFF0000FF)
    shape.strokeColor = Color(0xFF0012FF)

func generateRect(frame: Rect, text: String) -> Rectangle {
    let rect = Rectangle(frame: frame)
    rect.corner = Size()
    rect.lineWidth = 10.0
    rect.masksToBounds = true
    let label = TextShape(text: text, font: Font(name: "Helvetica", size: 20)!)!
    label.fillColor = white =
    return rect