Travis Kirton

Multitouch Pan

Pan gestures can easily register multiple touches. In this case, we’re going to attach the gesture’s touch points to the four corners of a shape. You can access the touch points of a gesture via its locations variable:

obj.addPanGestureRecognizer { locations, center, translation, velocity, state in {
    for loc in locations {
        //do stuff

Center v. Locations

For a single-touch gestures (e.g. pan, longpress, etc.) there is no difference between center and locations[0]. However, for multiple touch gestures the center represents the geometric center (aka. centroid) of all the touches.

obj.addPanGestureRecognizer { locations, center, translation, velocity, state in {
    if locations.count == 1 {
        //center == locations[0]
    } else {
        //center != locations[0]

Vector Tricks

We want a set of points equally distributed around the canvas’ center. So, to do this we create two Vector objects that represent the displacement of x, and y respectively.

Then, with those displacement vectors we can calculate the points of our shape. Using this handy technique:

Point - Vector = Point

For example:

let dx = Vector(x: 100, y: 0)
let point = + dx
//point == Point( + 100,


let dx = Vector(x: 100, y: 0)
let dy = Vector(x: 0, y: 100)

let c =

let defaultPoints: [Point] = [
    ((c - dx) - dy),
    c - dy,
    (c + dx) - dy,
    c + dx,
    (c + dx) + dy,
    c + dy,
    (c - dx) + dy,
    c - dx]

var polyPoints = defaultPoints

let poly = Polygon(polyPoints)
poly.interactionEnabled = false
poly.lineWidth = 20.0

let pan = canvas.addPanGestureRecognizer { locations, center, translation, velocity, state in
    polyPoints = defaultPoints
    for i in 0..<locations.count {
        polyPoints[i * 2] = locations[i]
    poly.points = polyPoints

pan.maximumNumberOfTouches = 4